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The Academic Planning Database provides information, as of census date, on all persons who are compensated from instructional budget accounts and persons having teaching responsibilities at California State University Dominguez Hills and across the CSU regardless of funding sources. In addition, APDB contains information on each class section that is offered, and the resources used to teach these courses each term.
The APDB reporting process provides campus administration and the Chancellor’s Office with data from two different sources: the Course Section file and the Faculty file. The two files are linked by the reported (for both files) year, term, CSU campus code and faculty/instructor SSN. Data from both files provide valuable academic course planning tools for both CSUDH campus administration and the Chancellor’s Office.
Our campus combines data from these files plus our annual CIRS IPEDS submission to produce a faculty workload reports & dashboards
The following dashboards and reports present (Fall Snapshot CIRS and IPEDS) data on faculty working across California State University Dominguez Hills. These are available in Tableau and can be accessed from the portal ( This includes all employees in Unit 3 represented by the California Faculty Association. This bargaining unit encompasses multiple groups, including two groups of instructional faculty: tenure-track (which includes tenured and probationary faculty) and temporary faculty, also referred to as lecturers. Other non-instructional employee groups in Unit 3 include coaches, counselors, and librarians.
The faculty headcount dashboard is derived from IPEDS/CIRS snapshot each fall. Based on primary classification code; excludes faculty on leave. Includes demographic data, college, and department assignment. Sums up faculty FTEF across all appointments
This report is based on the APDB report submitted to and approved by the Chancellor’s Office on the Census Date of Fall 2021. The report displays the detailed information regarding faculty teaching load, such as course sections, student course credits, section enrollment, Instructional FTEF, student FTE, and Instructional weighted teaching units (WTU)
This report is based on a PS query that sums up each faculty member reassigned appointments by department and college. Presents an aggregate total of all faculty reassigned time in the college by reassigned type and funding source.
Time that a faculty member is paid for. Workload has to be one of the following Assign Types: IFF, IAF, OSF, Reassign Time. For IFF workload is calculated by multiplying teaching units with WTU.
Instruction Faculty Fraction (IFF): An element that specifies the portion of a faculty appointment supported by instructional funds. For Example, a faculty member with a full-time teaching appointment would have an IFF of 1.0.
A tenure/tenure-track faculty member will teach 12 units as a full load while a lecturer will teach 15 as a full load.
Tenure/Tenure Track Lecturer
It is a measure of faculty workload. For example, a lecture class that meets three hours per week generates 3 WTU. CS Number is generated at APDB file and used to define the type of courses.
For non-supervision segment (CS Number 01 thru 21), WTU is computed as the product of
All full-time faculty members are counted as 1 FTE. FTE for part-time faculty, early Retirement Program members (FERP) and Teaching Assistants are calculated based on their particular HR contracts. This also includes faculty on sabbatical and/or those without a current teaching load.
This incorporates only those faculty members with inclassroom workloads, including supervisory teaching, and/or instructors who are administrators or staff. The FTE for Full-time faculty is calculated as WTU/12. The FTE for Part-time, FERP, and Teaching Assistants are calculated as WTU/15. These FTEF are allocated to the department offering the course, regardless of the instructor’s affiliation.
Faculty reassigned time workload units are used to account for any time given to instructors to do work other than actual teaching in the classroom, or in some cases to account for a higher than normal teaching load such as team teaching or high enrollment (large) sections. Reassign time calculates as part of the IFF percentage.
Any faculty release time is ignored in computing Section FTEF. Specifically, the total FTEF for a faculty member is distributed over sections taught based on a weighting of the APDB element “Adjusted Weighted Teaching Units” for each such section. For example, a faculty member with a total IFF of 1.000 and 8 WTU taught in English, 4 WTU taught in History, and the equivalent of 3 units of released time (reported to the C.O. as Other Support Fraction (OSF) or Instructional Administrative Fraction (IAF)--- would have that 1.000 IFF apportioned as 8/12 (0.667) to the English sections taught and 4/12 (0.333) to the History sections taught.
This distribution formula ignores any release time and any campus determination that the faculty member is paid, for example, 50% by English and 50% by History, or 100% by one department and none by the other.
IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid. These data are made available to students and parents through the College Navigator college search Web site and to researchers and others through the IPEDS Data Center.